My Comment About the Restart Opposition Movement Has Been Retweeted!

On January 14, 2020

Restart Opposition Movement Retweeted

I mentioned the Restart Opposition Movement in Iran in a video around this time last year in a video entitled The Mass Awakening, Not Only the Yellow Vest Protest.

Restart Movement Retweet - Mass Awakening in Iran

Iranians communicating with me on Twitter


I’m so amazed!!!
This is the first time something like this happens to me and I definitely didn’t anticipate this when I started my author’s pages on Facebook and on Twitter.

I think that yesterday I commented and retweeted a tweet about the Restart opposition movement in Iran, as it reflects the mass awakening worldwide. I mentioned that I wrote an article about it and even mentioned it first in a video about the great awakening of humanity.

Guess what???
It seems that they liked it so much that they retweeted it!!!!

Please see the attached screenshot from my Twitter author page.


This is the article and the video below the article.

This is so exciting!!!!!